Do not call up what you cannot put down. – The Little Book of Night
Things would have gone so much easier for Bull Ingram
Things would have gone so much easier for Bull Ingram
Within the next half-hour, Warren Oldham thought, he would either be successful or dismembered.
Harry Potter if it was told from the professors’ point of
Pssst. Wanna know a secret? You don’t have to be a dad, or even have kids for that matter, to enjoy the hell out of The Geek Dad’s Guide
Reality check: The success of my business plan involves doing business with organized crime. – Darby Stansfield
Chop Suey is what would happen if you
As time went by and I moved up the ranks to Homicide I realized that some cases don’t get solved…ever. – Sophie Anderson
For thirty
Julius Katz is an unquestionably brilliant private investigator who