Thank you, Elizabeth, for the opportunity to post on your blog site. As you know I write crime fiction and am indie published, and I wanted to trumpet indie publishing through some stories of my own experience. Over the years I’ve lost count of the rejections I’ve received. Suffice to say they were in the hundreds when I stopped collecting them; I think I lead the league in the rejection department.
After penning my first work of genius, I mailed off forty or fifty query letters, each a page in length, the first two paragraphs a brief outline of my blockbuster, the third paragraph, two sentences highlighting my unique charms. I sat back and waited for competing offers. After all, who wouldn’t be eager to sign me?
It turned out no one. Less than half even bothered to reply using my self addressed, stamped envelope. Undaunted, I penned a second classic and mailed more queries, sat back and received similar form replies.
“I don’t get it, you’re such a good liar,” a soon-to-be former girl friend waxed eloquent.