July 19, 2012 Ishmael Toffee by Roger Smith Ishmael hadn’t found him no god. Hadn’t found him nothing. Lost something, is what. Lost his taste for blood, plain and simple. Ishmael Toffee is Continue Reading...
July 18, 2012 Darkness All Around by Doug Magee Had she been living under a stone these past few years, hearing and seeing only what she wanted to hear and see? On the outside Continue Reading...
July 13, 2012 Flesh by Khanh Ha For a long time now I hadn’t felt it, the acidity of vengeance. Maybe when you harbored it for so long, the pain would torment you as if Continue Reading...
July 11, 2012 Playing Dead by Julia Heaberlin I’ve been told that I have a strange name for a girl, that I’m nosy, that I’m too delicate to carry a gun. The first two are true. Continue Reading...
July 09, 2012 This Dark Earth by John Hornor Jacobs There are some things beyond comprehension, and saying that the evil upon us is just a virus, or a bad decision from an army general that ended our Continue Reading...
July 06, 2012 Blood Red Turns Dollar Green by Paul O’Brien This was the first minute of his life where he knew the clock had started; he would never be able to let his guard down again. – Danno Continue Reading...
July 02, 2012 Never Tell by Alafair Burke “Not everything is black-and-white, or even shades of gray. Things can be black and white – right and wrong – all at the same time.” – Janet Martin Continue Reading...
June 21, 2012 The Whole Lie by Steve Ulfelder Talking doesn’t always work out so well for me. I dig holes. – Conway Sax Conway Sax can’t seem to catch a break. He tries. Continue Reading...
June 20, 2012 Kings of Midnight by Wallace Stroby No matter how much you plan, allow for every contingency. Things go bad, and then you have to work twice as hard just to get back to where Continue Reading...