Fish Tank by Carl Ray

Fish Tank by Carl RayThis isn’t a review per se because, frankly, I’m not quite sure how to go about reviewing a cartoon book. Suffice it to say I thought the Fish Tank collections by Carl Ray were clever enough to warrant spreading the word about them.

Fish Tank follows the exploits of three aquarium fish who are not only tank mates but close friends. Ted is a super-genius goldfish with lots of ideas, inventions and a thirst for adventure, usually with disastrous consequences. Angelo is a self-absorbed angelfish and Ted’s sometimes reluctant sidekick. Hoover is the bottom-feeding algae-eating plecostamus who wants nothing more than to be left out of Ted’s ideas and given some peace.

There are currently two volumes available, The Dawning of the Age of Aquariums, and Something Whiskered This Way Comes, with a third volume, A Tale of Mothic Proportions scheduled for release on September 15th.

Each is (currently) $1.99 for Kindle or $0.99 for Nook, so if you’re a fan of things like Finding Nemo or Madagascar give the Fish Tank crew a go. You can learn more about Ted, Angelo, Hoover, and the Fish Tank series on their website.


  • Sabrina Ogden

    September 12, 2011 - 11:36 AM

    These look like a lot of fun and I really love the titles.

  • Carl Ray

    September 8, 2011 - 5:09 PM


    Thank you for passing the word along about Fish Tank. Your kind words are greatly appreciated!

    For anyone who is interested in looking at a free sample of Fish Tank, click on the link below to read the first story from Volume 1 (or feel free to download it and pass it along to friends). I hope you will enjoy it!

    Best regards,

    Carl Ray

  • rhapsodyinbooks

    September 8, 2011 - 2:07 PM

    The titles are a riot! I love that “age of aquariums”!!!