October 03, 2012 Vile Blood by Max Wilde “The truth is I’m leaning in the direction of believing that God is dead but the Devil is very much alive.” – Father Pedro The Continue Reading...
October 02, 2012 Who the hell is Max Wilde? by Roger Smith In a fitting kickoff to the Halloween month of October, I’m pleased to welcome author Roger Smith to the blog to talk about his doppelgänger, horror author Max Wilde. Continue Reading...
July 19, 2012 Capture by Roger Smith What the hell, maybe Vernon Saul is right: the truth is just the lie you believe the most. – Nick Exley Nick and Caroline Exley Continue Reading...
July 19, 2012 Ishmael Toffee by Roger Smith Ishmael hadn’t found him no god. Hadn’t found him nothing. Lost something, is what. Lost his taste for blood, plain and simple. Ishmael Toffee is Continue Reading...
July 27, 2011 Dust Devils by Roger Smith “Welcome to the heart of goddam darkness, son.” – Bobby Goodbread A man who protested alongside black South Africans for the end of apartheid, Continue Reading...