December 24, 2010 The Damage Done by Hilary Davidson “Anyone in this world could kill, in the right set of circumstances. The questions is, what circumstances?” – Tariq Lawrence Oh, what a deliciously Continue Reading...
November 18, 2010 A Very Simple Crime by Grant Jerkins — A Very Simple Crime was one of my Top 10 Reads of 2010 — If you are unlucky enough to have known the Continue Reading...
October 28, 2010 8 Pounds by Chris F. Holm As he grew older and honed his talents, he came to realize that he was the thing people feared – he was the monster in the dark. – Continue Reading...
July 30, 2010 Snow Angels by James Thompson There would be silence, but cold has a sound of its own. The branches of trees freeze solid and crack under the weight of the snow with sounds Continue Reading...
July 20, 2010 The Lock Artist by Steve Hamilton I didn’t know that once you’ve proven yourself useful to the wrong people, you’ll never be free again. – Michael Smith In the wake of Continue Reading...
June 01, 2010 Beat the Reaper by Josh Bazell The only oath I took, as I recall, was to first do no harm. I’m thinking we’re past that point. – Dr. Peter Brown As Continue Reading...
May 26, 2010 Slow Fire by Ken Mercer Just a few hard knocks. That’s what he’d kept telling himself, these past couple of years, but now he had to consider a more disturbing possibility. That perhaps Continue Reading...
May 10, 2010 The Good Son by Russel D. McLean “I’ve already shot a man this evening, so what’s the difference now? Like smoking, it gets easier after the first one, right?” – J. McNee Dundee, Continue Reading...
April 29, 2010 The Ghosts of Belfast by Stuart Neville “All I wanted was some peace. I just wanted to sleep.” – Gerry Fegan Set in Belfast in the aftermath of Northern Ireland’s Troubles*, The Continue Reading...