November 08, 2011 The Chaos We Know by Keith Rawson If you’ve read author Keith Rawson’s work before – and if you haven’t, why the hell not? – you know that his is a guerrilla warfare, take no prisoners Continue Reading...
August 08, 2011 Harvest of Ruins by Sandra Ruttan All the memories and all the lies were like that game, Jenga. Pull out the wrong one and they’d all come crashing down. – Vinny Shepherd Continue Reading...
July 12, 2011 Speedloader by Snubnose Press I don’t know how to pray but I close my eyes and ask God for help anyway. God doesn’t answer, doesn’t even send happy thoughts, just reruns of Continue Reading...
May 13, 2011 The Gravity of Mammon by Dan O’Shea He was pushing 50, and, after almost 20 years schlepping around the Sahel, 50 was pushing back. It was time for an exit strategy. – Nick Hardin Continue Reading...