JB Kohl and Eric Beetner wrote this blog post the way they write their books – by sending a draft back and forth to each other and adding on bit by bit, entirely through email. Turns out they still have a lot of questions about their own book.
Eric Beetner: By now our backstory has gotten out there a fair amount. We live on opposite coasts and have never met. We’ve never even talked on the phone and yet managed to write two books together now. Thinking back to how the new one, Borrowed Trouble, came about I remember the seed of the idea began as an epilogue to the first book, One Too Many Blows To The Head, that contained the basic premise – Ray gets a note from a girl claiming to be his sister in need of help but Ray doesn’t think he has a sister and he enlists Dean for help. Then we cut the epilogue at the eleventh hour just before we went to press. Do you remember why we cut that out?
JB Kohl: I think we decided we didn’t want to be “hemmed in” regarding a plot. An epilogue –when it’s a preview for the next book – can be tricky if you aren’t well into the next novel. The plot idea was there, but we weren’t sure if we were committed to it. It’s so funny to me now, because in the end it was the exact plot idea we went with. So tell me, were you nervous about having Ray and Dean work together?