I loved working with Jude S. Walko on The Unhallowed Horseman, a contemporary reimagining of the American classic “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” Set against the backdrop of a seemingly peaceful, picturesque American small town with an iconic past, the story follows Vincent, a distraught and troubled high schooler, and his descent into the demons that plague his mind.
“Banned Books Week (BBW) is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read and the importance of the First Amendment. Held during the last week of September, BBW highlights the benefits of free and open access to information while drawing attention to the harms of censorship by spotlighting actual or attempted banning of books across the United States.
“I’ve worked on two manuscripts with Elizabeth, both of which were picked up by publishers. With her legal background and editing skills, Elizabeth is super sharp and astute. Not only will she correct your copy to the standard, but her development skills will catch things you didn’t notice. She’ll let you know what needs to be corrected, offer suggestions for change, and sensibly question details so that the story sounds logical, without distorting your writer’s voice. Take my word for it, you’re in safe hands.” — Khaled Talib
“Whether you’re putting your stuff out there on your own or sending it out into the world of agents and publishers, you need to have your work as close to perfect as humanly possible. I’ve worked with Elizabeth on over a dozen published books. Each time, I found her to be extremely professional, timely and she provided a great knowledge of the genre of crime fiction, as well as fixed my grammatical travesties. I could go with any number of people to correct my spelling, but Elizabeth gives my writing a bit more that I feel really helps push it to its final stage.” — Mike McCrary
I had the pleasure of working with Michael Caudo on Return of the Prodigal, which finds Philly ex-pat Nick Di Nobile returning home after nearly two decades. He soon finds himself stalked by a crooked FBI agent, a Russian oligarch, and an old nemesis, all of whom are convinced Nick’s late father kept a priceless painting hidden for decades.