Prohibition by Terrence McCauley

Terrence McCauley“I’ve never been smart enough to know when to quit.” – Terry Quinn

For former boxer turned mob enforcer Terry Quinn, not being smart enough to know when to quit has been both his lifelong blessing and curse. Once on track to fight for the heavyweight title, his refusal to take a dive in a fixed fight – opting to kill his opponent in the ring instead – lead to his license being revoked and his career derailed.

As one door closed another opened, however, and through it walked crime boss Archie Doyle. A man with tremendous ambition, Doyle knew he’d need a dependable crew around him to reach his goals, and he wanted Quinn to be his right-hand man. His prospects severely limited, Quinn accepted, and the two never looked back.

A decade later, Doyle’s 1930s New York City empire–illicit gambling clubs, bootlegging and speakeasies–is still managing to do well at the outset of the Great Depression, but he’s smart enough to understand the gravy train won’t last forever and hatches a plan to set himself up for life beyond Prohibition.

When one of his key lieutenants is the target of an assassination attempt, Doyle sends Quinn to question the right-hand man of his rival. Things go incredibly sideways, and before he knows it Quinn is at the center of an all-out gang war. With Doyle’s competition swearing he had no involvement in the hit, and the once complacent–and on the payroll–cops and politicians getting antsy, Quinn must figure out who’s really behind the escalating violence if there’s any hope of salvaging Doyle’s big plan…and for them all to stay alive.

Tenacity vs. Obstinacy by Terrence McCauley

Today Terrence McCauley is here to reflect on the difference between tenacity and obstinacy in the life of a writer, and how which one chooses to embrace makes all the difference in the world. It certainly did for him, as his first novel, the Depression-era gangster yarn Prohibition, was published to great reviews just last month.

Terrence McCauleyIn my opinion, there’s only one thing more important to an artist than following your dream: the manner in which you go about it.

In my long quest to be published, I endured a lot of the same rotten things many other writers experience throughout their career. Broken promises. Agents who disappeared. Plans that remained on the drawing board gathering dust. People who lost interest in my work. All of which eventually lead to self-doubt and a lack of confidence on my part.

At every roadblock, someone would invariably tell me to just give up and go do something else like golf or skiing. Save myself the heartache of rejection and disappointment. Walk away with some of my dignity intact. After all, I’d won a national contest. Why not rest on my laurels and leave it at that?

And while I flirted with the idea of walking away from writing, I never left it for long. Why? Because I’m a writer and writers write! I didn’t choose this. It’s always been a part of who I am, and I could no sooner give up writing than I could decide to give up walking. Sure, I could do it, but why do so, especially when the ability was there? So, I kept on writing the stories I wanted to tell. I kept looking for an outlet for them and, after a whole lot of searching, I did.

Mike McCrary

How’s the writing going? by Mike McCrary

Today I am incredibly pleased to welcome Mike McCrary to the blog. A screenwriter, Mike is aggressively and passionately making the transition to writing crime fiction stories and novels, and I’ve been fortunate enough to edit one of his manuscripts. Hopefully you will all get a chance to read it sometime in the coming year, but until then be on the lookout for his short story work at places like Out of the Gutter and Shotgun Honey.

Dinner Date by Mike Faricy

I’m welcoming author Mike Faricy (Russian Roulette, Mr. Softee) today as part of his virtual tour in support of his latest release, Bombshell.

MikeFaricyI may write books of no redeeming social value like my latest release, Bombshell. But I think crime fiction, even written with a sense of humor and some romance, should still be accurate. I’m always ‘investigating,’ attempting to learn something, anything, that will make my books a little more realistic. My books are all set in Minnesota, usually in my hometown of St. Paul.

Minneapolis and St. Paul are known as the Twin Cities. There’s really not much of anything ‘twin’ about them anymore. Minneapolis is a big booming metropolis and St. Paul, well we say it’s the world’s largest small town. If Minneapolis and St. Paul were sisters, Minneapolis would get all the hot dates, but St. Paul is the one you’d bring home to meet your mom.

I thought it would be a good idea to take a police officer out to dinner and garner some information. I’d be amiss if I didn’t mention a couple of facts here. First off, my dinner date was a woman, a very attractive woman of Southeast Asian heritage named Mai. Secondly, she isn’t exactly a police officer, okay, she’s a lawyer. But she works in the city attorney’s office, law enforcement of a sort though obviously not patrolling the city in a squad car, but still, the courts and all I figured I was bound to learn something.

Top 10 Reads of 2012

Top 10 Reads of 2012The past twelve months were a very busy reading and reviewing year for me. Though I’m sure a few slipped through the cracks and didn’t get counted, in looking back at my records it appears I read 192 books (novels, novellas, and collections) this year, and reviewed 116 of those.

And you know what? There were still a ton of books I wanted to read this year but just didn’t manage to get to by year’s end. (Cash Out by Greg Bardsley and The Dark Room by Steve Mosby are two biggies that leap to mind in particular.)

Given the amount I read this year, and with most of it being top-notch, narrowing things down to a Top 10 list was quite excruciating, as you may imagine.

As I have in years past, to make things a tad more manageable I selected my Top 10 only from full-length novels. And I’ll tell you what, even with the herd already thinned of novellas and short story collections (many of which were fantastic!), picking only ten was still a painfully difficult exercise. So much so, actually, that I’ve cheated a tiny bit and counted two books from one author as only one spot on the list. Of course, having too many fantastic reads to choose from is a “problem” I’ll gladly take any day.

So many authors gave me hours and hours of reading pleasure this year through their amazing abilities, and I am grateful to each and every one of you. For writing what turned out to be my favorite reads of 2012, I am especially grateful to Ian Ayris, Andrez Bergen, Declan Burke, Wiley Cash, Peter Farris, Sam Hawken, Chris F. Holm (for whom I cheated and counted two books from his Collector Series as one spot on the list), Grant Jerkins, Roger Smith and James Thompson. Thank you.

Where Is Noir Now? by Gabino Iglesias

I am pleased to welcome author (Gutmouth, Eraserhead Press) and reviewer Gabino Iglesias to the blog today for an interesting essay about noir and its first cousin, neo-noir.

Gabino IglesiasDuring my early teens, I subsisted on a steady diet of noir. Apparently that’s what happens when you never get into video games. I knew where it came from and, more importantly, thought I knew what it was all about: gritty settings, hard stories, down-and-out characters, witty dialogue, cool guys in fedoras, and a dash of violence. Tough, hard-drinking men who punched hard, didn’t take lip from anyone, and weren’t afraid to pull their gun out were a sine qua non element of the books I devoured. A few years later, I didn’t know what noir was anymore. That’s when things got interesting.

Fast-forward fifteen years. My ARC of Akashic’s Boston Noir 2: The Classics, arrived in the mail. I cracked it open and read the intro. “What is noir and what is not inhabits a similarly gray area,” wrote editors Dennis Lehane, Mary Cotton and Jaime Clarke. “Its definition is continually expanding from the previous generation’s agreed-upon notion that noir involves men in fedoras smoking cigarettes on street corners. Noir alludes to crime, sure, but it also evokes bleak elements, danger, tragedy, sleaze, all of which is best represented by its root French definition: black.”

The Storm Giants by Pearce Hansen

The Storm Giants by Pearce Hansen“Until the blood starts to flow, it’s always a people situation.” – Everett

For someone who’d just assume never interact with anyone again except his wife and young son if he didn’t have to, former gang enforcer Everett is actually quite adept at reading and manipulating people.

Of course, back in the day a lot of his manipulation was of the hands-on variety, and he was damn effective. Legendarily effective, actually, in large part because of his connection with the storm giants, the name Everett associates with a deep, dark place within himself he’s capable of tapping into.

But those days are behind him. At least he thought they were. Living a peaceful if not exactly relaxed – he finds it difficult to ever truly let his guard down, even years out of the game – existence in upstate California, Everett’s past comes calling in the guise of The Widow.

The last time Everett saw The Widow was at his dentist’s office, where she worked as Doctor Dauffenbach’s assistant and receptionist, in addition to being his wife. Everett didn’t exactly understand it at the time, but there was definitely something…off about old Doctor Dauffenbach. Something a bit sadistic.

Turns out Doctor Dauffenbach had an impressive résumé to back up his penchant for causing pain; he was formerly a Nazi who worked at one of the death camps. When he escaped at the end of the war, one step ahead of the war crimes tribunals, Dauffenbach was able to smuggle a significant amount of ill-gotten Nazi gold into the U.S. with him when he ran. The Mossad, however, never sleeps, and when they finally caught up with Dauffenbach he killed himself rather than face extradition and trial. Now, it seems the remainder of Dauffenbach’s gold has been stolen, and The Widow wants Everett to get it back for her – and kill the person who took it.

The Neighbors by Ania Ahlborn

The Neighbors by Ania Ahlborn“Have you ever wanted to burn down your own home?”
– Harlow Ward

Actually, it’s a thought that has crossed the mind of Andrew Morrison more than a few times over the previous 13 years, ever since his father walked out on him and his mother. After his father left, Andrew’s mom went into a downward spiral of alcoholism and agoraphobia, eventually reaching the point where she wouldn’t even leave the house to walk to the mailbox.

At first sympathetic, Andrew finally tires of sacrificing his life for someone who shows neither appreciation nor any desire to get better. So, now twenty-three, Andrew gets back in touch with a childhood friend, Mickey, via Facebook and makes arrangements to move in with him across town. Unfortunately, it looks like Andrew may well have jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.

At first elated to see the picturesque houses in Mickey’s neighborhood, Andrew’s elation turns to shock and embarrassment when he discovers Mickey’s house is a run-down blight on the otherwise perfect Magnolia Lane. Mickey isn’t exactly how Andrew remembers him either. Once gregarious and outgoing, Mickey is now withdrawn and borderline uncommunicative—almost like he doesn’t even want Andrew there, despite the invitation. The neighbors, however…

Choice Cuts by Joe Clifford

Choice Cuts by Joe CliffordThe work of Joe Clifford shouldn’t be new to anyone who does much poking around in the online crime fiction community. In addition to his short stories routinely showing up places like Shotgun Honey, Thuglit, and A Twist of Noir, Joe is also the editor of the The Flash Fiction Offensive.

Even the most dedicated crime fiction/noir reader can miss a story here and there, however, so it was nice to see Joe’s work rounded up and released, with a couple of previously unpublished stories to boot, as the collection Choice Cuts. As I always do with collections, only a handful of stories will be highlighted in order to leave plenty of undiscovered territory for those new to Joe’s work.

“The Meat” is heavy on atmosphere, both physical and psychological. Accused by the Bolsheviks of being an enemy of the Revolution, an unassuming bookseller is banished to a prison on the edge of the Arctic Circle. He bides his time, doing everything possible to stay fit while planning an escape. A plan finally in place, he takes a fellow prisoner, a doctor, into his confidence and they make the final preparations. There’s only one obstacle they can’t figure out how to overcome: food. How can they have enough food to survive the long, grueling trek they face in subfreezing temperatures? Their solution is shocking, even more so when it doesn’t go quite as planned.