Brian Klingborg’s recently released debut, Kill Devil Falls (Midnight Ink), is racking up five-star reviews and was described by Mystery Scene magazine as “truly scary” and “deliciously creepy.” Reviewers consistently point to the book’s “intrigue and action,” with one reviewer saying Klingborg had his foot on “the adrenaline pedal until the very end.” It should come as no surprise then that Klingborg takes getting the details of his action scenes seriously, and today he’s here to share some tips from his nearly thirty years of experience practicing and researching martial arts.
I’m pleased to welcome Khaled Talib to the site today. Based in Singapore, Khaled is a former journalist whose articles were syndicated worldwide. His short stories have appeared in literary journals and magazines, he is a member of both UK Crime Writers Association and International Thriller Writers, and Khaled’s debut novel, Smokescreen, was met with great reviews from both readers and Khaled’s peers. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Khaled on two novels, the first of which, Incognito, drops today from World Castle Publishing. Look for Gun Kiss later in 2017.
It’s a pleasure to welcome Nick Kolakowski to the site. Nick’s work has appeared in publications including The Washington Post, McSweeney’s, North American Review, Thuglit, and Crime Syndicate Magazine, and he previously released the well-received collection Somebody’s Trying to Kill Me. Today, Nick’s here to talk about rural noir and small-town classics in support of his newest, A Brutal Bunch of Heartbroken Saps (Shotgun Honey), billed as “a gonzo noir journey into obsession, violence, and the power of love.”
“At some point in the revision process, writers inevitably lose sight of the words they’ve written. The sharp eye and mind of Elizabeth White can help you see your work anew. She tells you where you’ve done your job well, and where you’ve made a mess of things—story notes, line edits, fact checking, you name it. And all this feedback comes with the vibe of a smart friend who gets what you’re doing.” — Jeff Hess
S.W. Lauden is back on the site today, this time to talk about his newest, Crossed Bones (Down & Out Books), the sequel to Crosswise, the book that introduced readers to series characters Tommy and Shayna. It seems several people, including me, have used the word “crazy” (in a good way) as part of their description of Crossed Bones, which got Lauden thinking about what that word means when describing art, what some of the craziest books he’s ever read are, and he invites you to share your “crazy” book thoughts.
It’s an honor to welcome two time Shamus Award-nominated author Dana King to the site. In addition to his Nick Forte private investigator series, King is also author of the acclaimed Penns River series set in Western Pennsylvania. The third book in that series, Resurrection Mall, is out now from Down & Out Books, and today King has stopped by to talk about what it’s like to write a series based so closely on the area where he grew up.
It’s a pleasure to welcome Gavin Scott back to the site today. Gavin has extensive experience in radio, film and television, having spent twenty years working as a reporter for the BBC and ITN, as well as in Hollywood as a screenwriter on projects with such film royalty as Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. Gavin’s newest novel, The Age of Olympus, second in the post-WWII England set series featuring ex-Special Operations Executive agent Duncan Forrester, is out now from Titan Books.
It’s a pleasure to welcome Susan C. Shea back to the site. Susan is the author of the Dani O’Rourke mystery series: Murder in the Abstract, The King’s Jar and Mixed Up With Murder. Though critically well received, the series had a bit of a nomadic existence as far as publishers go. Inspired by visits with friends in France, Susan started playing around with a new mystery set in a small French village. Before she knew it, Susan had a two-book offer from a publisher for a new series. The first book in that series, Love & Death in Burgundy, is out May 2nd from Minotaur Books. But what about Dani? Susan explains what it’s like to make the decision to leave old friends behind…at least for now.
It was a pleasure to work with Theolyn Brock on Lake City: Stories From a Country-Ass Town, a collection of fiction based on her family’s lore. And though fiction, you’ll recognize the truths contained in the stories of love and loss, quirkiness and quiet resolve, ambition and desperation that unfold between the covers.