Jessica Carrasquillo’s debut novel, The Manchineel, finds Elyse Santiago, a young woman with a dark secret, caught up in a relationship with an older, married man that triggers trauma from her past and blurs the lines of her moral boundaries. It was a pleasure to work with Jessica on a story that so deftly blends psychological suspense with dark humor and romance.
I had the pleasure of working with Mark Ehrlich on his award-winning debut novel, Float the Boat, which was published in November. The bulk of the story takes place in Southeast Asia, and the rich descriptions and atmosphere Ehrlich has created in the novel reflect the experiences he obtained through his decades of traveling the world, both for work and pleasure.
I always enjoy working with Alan Chaput on his Vigilantes for Justice mystery series, which is set in Savannah, Georgia, and features social icon Patricia Falcon. The first book in the series, Savannah Sleuth, was released in 2017, followed by Savannah Secrets in 2018, and Savannah Justice in 2019. Savannah Dragon, the latest entry in the series, is out now.
“Elizabeth and I have worked together on four books, and I’m looking forward to number five. Not only does she know the ins and outs of style, she’s great at working with the tone of my writing, which ensures her feedback is spot-on. If you work with Elizabeth, you’ll be in great hands.” — Lee Maguire
“Elizabeth’s editing skills are truly exceptional. Her perceptive comments and ability to understand my vision for the story help me to trust my voice and instincts. Her suggestions are always spot-on and help to elevate my manuscripts. I also appreciate the support she provides after every edit—answering questions and serving as a springboard for ideas. I highly recommend her services to any author looking to take their work to the next level.” — Ryan Rivers
On one hand, Dani O’Rourke, chief fundraiser for the Devor Museum in San Francisco, can be forgiven for thinking a trip back East to serve as a consultant at a quaint New England college sounds like a pleasant distraction.
On the other hand, Dani has an unfortunate history of finding herself caught up in highly irregular situations… ones that usually involve dead bodies. (Murder in the Abstract | The King’s Jar).
“Banned Books Week (BBW) is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read and the importance of the First Amendment. Held during the first week of October, BBW highlights the benefits of free and open access to information while drawing attention to the harms of censorship by spotlighting actual or attempted banning of books across the United States.