Though best known for his work with the band Frehley’s Comet, musician Tod Howarth has had a long, distinguished, and varied career in the music business.
The rock world lost a true visionary with the passing of Bill Aucoin yesterday of complications from prostate cancer. Though most well known for having discovered legendary rock band
It’s not unusual these days to find authors on Twitter sharing information about their books, upcoming appearances and just being sociable with their readers.
Former Frehley’s Comet singer, song writer and guitarist Tod Howarth has graciously taken time out of his incredibly busy schedule to do an interview with KISS ASYLUM. In addition
Karl Cochran recently took some time out of his very busy schedule to do an interview for and all of his online fans. Exposed to a wide range
Eric recently took some time out of his very busy schedule to talk with KISS ASYLUM and complete an in depth interview for all the online fans, including answering