While Mike was waiting to hear back on submissions for Remo, we tackled a balls-out actioner called Getting Ugly, in which a slew of badass people are all trying to get the man known as Big Ugly. Easier said than done, as you don’t get the moniker “Big Ugly” because you have a charming personality. This one Mike decided to go ahead and release on his own, and I encourage you to give it a whirl.
Along the way, Mike has dropped in here for a couple of guest posts. In the first, “How’s the Writing Going?,” Mike tackled that dreaded question writers face from well-meaning friends and family, and why you can’t really give the real answer: “It’s like sucking on a horrific, angst-ridden, self-mutilation cocktail with a sweaty, toothless whacko at the end of the bar winking her good eye at me.”
He followed that up with “Clowns, Aimless Babble and Snot-Slinging Drunk,” in which he mercilessly skewers that old writing chestnut, write what you know. As he points out:
If you were raised by wolves, kicked a smack habit at age seven, roamed the globe as a circus clown, then graduated Yale before serving as a SEAL, then yes, absolutely, write what you know. If you’re like a lot of us, raised in a lower to upper middle class home, stumbled through life before ending up in a shitty job?
Do. Not. Write. What. You. Know.
Give his guest posts a read and you’ll see that Mike’s undeniably a very talented guy, with a great sense of humor and perspective on the writing process.
So, I was extremely happy for Mike when I received an email from him a couple of months ago informing me that Remo Went Rogue had been picked up by Gutter Books (ISBN: 978-0615922157), and I enthusiastically point you in the direction of picking up a copy now that it is officially out. I am biased, however, I admit. So you don’t have to take my word for it, these guys sure know what the hell they’re talking about:
“Remo Went Rogue is a fast-paced, cinematic, and viciously dark novel that caught me completely off guard and left me wanting more. Mike McCrary is definitely a writer to watch.” – John Rector (Out of the Black)
“Either somebody set Chuck Palahniuk and Elmore Leonard up on a blind date or we have a new mad genius on our hands. Mike McCrary delivers a mini-pulp masterpiece with prose that pounds with the best of ’em, and a character in Remo Cobb so wickedly lovable you’ll want to name your first born after him. As far as I’m concerned, crime fiction just got kicked in the balls.” – Peter Farris (Last Call for the Living)
Congratulations, Mike!
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