I’ve also had the pleasure of hosting Josh here for a couple of amazing guest posts: “Penguins & Vomit” (how can you not want to read that?) and “Mayhem & Thuggery” (I dare you not to read that!).
It was with great pleasure and a tremendous sense of honor, therefore, that I stepped up to the plate to work with Josh as his editor on the most recent entry in the Moses McGuire saga, One More Body. Given my involvement with the book it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to give a review per se, but here is what some well-respected authors have had to say:
“Hardboiled, intense, action-packed, with its heart on its ragged and bloodstained sleeve – Moses is back in another breathlessly brilliant pulse-pounding novel full of great, gaudy characters.” — Paul D. Brazil (Guns Of Brixton)
“Josh Stallings writes like a man possessed. He’s a live wire, a raw nerve — the rare writer capable of finding beauty in pain and pain in beauty.” — Chris F. Holm (The Collector Series)
“Stallings has this way of writing, this brutally stunning way with words… If the days of our lives moved along on wheels of justice, Moses McGuire would be the leader of the free world, and Josh Stallings would be its poet laureate.” — Ian Ayris (One Day in the Life of Jason Dean)
“This was a fantastic read. If you haven’t read Josh’s books before, they are what I call James Crumley meets Robert Crais meets Ka-razy. A freight train of hardboiled heart, a man so devastated by human brutality that he hunts true evil and leaves their corpses at your doorstep, like a papa dog teaching you what needs to be done.” — Thomas Pluck (Protectors: Stories to Benefit PROTECT)
So, if you haven’t yet, do yourself a favor and pick up One More Body. And if you’re really behind the curve, just bite the bullet and buy all three of the Moses McGuire books and start from the beginning. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed…if you survive the ride, that is.
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