I got my Kindle as a wedding gift.
Being honest, the thing was scary. It was one of those ideas that had been drubbed into my mind for so long, I had to believe. I loved the feel, the smell, the sound of books. I loved having the weight of it in my hands. I loved the anticipation as I turned the page, waiting to find out what happens next.
So, when I stretched out on the beach chair during my honeymoon, sun beating down on me, drink in my free hand, and turned on the Kindle for the first time, I was nervous. What if money was just wasted and I hated the thing? What if I didn’t even feel like I was reading a book, but instead someone’s unfinished manuscript?
Turns out, I was wrong. I loved the thing.
I still got the same sensations, while reading. The tension was there, the desire to know what was on the next page, the constant flipping. But here’s what I didn’t expect.
How much faster I read. I could fly through these books. I read authors I didn’t think I was going to like at top pace and really fell into a rhythm with their writing. The cheaper price meant I could risk more on writers I’d only heard about. I discovered new books and it took me less time to read them. That way, I could track down the rest of their stuff too.
So, with More Sinned Against now out on Kindle, I hope you’ll take a risk too. I hope you’ll try out this anthology of my Jackson Donne stories, and find a new author. And I hope you’ll use your Kindle to hunt down my other two novels first.
The Kindle isn’t a curse or a bane on reading. It’s a tool. It’s going to get a lot of people who only read one, maybe two, books a year to read way more than that. And that can only help the industry.
More Sinned Against, seven stories featuring Jackson Donne, is available on Kindle for only $2.99 and is brought to you by the fine folks at Needle Publishing.
Steve Weddle
February 17, 2011 - 12:45 PM