Le0pard13 at Lazy Thoughts From A Boomer posted a fun meme today called “Films I Can Happily Watch Over and Over Again.” The purpose of the meme, as you would expect from the title, is to make a list of films that you will watch over and over again and still never get tired of them.
The rules for this meme are as follows:
1. Provide a non-exhaustive list of films you’ll happily watch again and again.
2. There is no rule 2.
3. Reprint the rules.
4. Tag three others and ask them to do the same.
Ask me to do this again tomorrow and you may get a list that looks fairly different, but for today at least these are the ones that immediately popped to mind as being ones I’ll pull off the DVD shelf over and over or will stop to watch whenever I’m flipping channels and they’re on.

As for tagging, I’d love to hear what @PopCultureNerd and @Fyrebear from Twitter have to say, and I’m gonna tag a couple of people via Facebook as well who will hopefully share their lists here. Please feel free to share yours as well… or comment on my list.
Elizabeth A. White
September 19, 2010 - 8:46 PM